Border Patrol
Word Count-535

As they walked Valkyrie let her mind wander. To her life before the clan, to the group she had spent most of the last year with. The last year hadn't been horrible even though she wasn't in Inferni, where she had been born. She had learned many different things in that time like navigating with the stars and tracking animals. She had also learned a little bit about other skills, but she isn't really good at any of them. If it wasn't for that group of travelers she would have almost no skills to set her apart from the rest. She was then pulled back into the present from the past as she heard the wolf give a small chuckle before smiling. What was so funny? She scraped her mind making sure it wasn't something she said or did, but she found nothing. Maybe he just had a funny thought or was laughing at himself. She knew a lot of canines that would laugh for no particular reason at all, but most of them laughed when some sort of violence was taking place which she thought was still completely unnecessary and for no reason at all. A lot of the coyotes (and wolves) here had a completely messed up mind. They thought violence was funny and every single wolf deserved to die, but what could she say? She had been born into them and was one of them, so she couldn't really insult them without insulting herself. She wouldn't insult them anyway, since she was related to most of them.

As they continued walking Itzal spoke. She had been born in the clan and had lived in it for awhile before leaving. She had come back a short time later only to leave again. After a year here she was back in the clan she was born in. She was here to stay this time, though, and wasn't planning on leaving any time soon. She expected Itzal to have not been born here like her since he had thought he was the newest member of the clan. He didn't seem to have much coyote blood in him either which only backed up her prediction. This would also mean that he wasn't related to her like the many in the clan. She was part of two large families, the De Le Poers and the Massacres meaning she was distantly related to everyone in the clan and many others. .

"Well... I was trying to get a feel for the territory, and soon found myself at the border, so I decided to patrol." As she spoke she continued facing forward eyes searching the forest around them. She was still patrolling even though now she was with someone else and should still be on the look out. "How did you find Inferni" She wasn't going to push him into telling her about his past if he didn't want to, but she couldn't help but want to know where he came from. Since she was born here and hadn't lived in any other pack or clan she was curios about what life was like in others. Was it about the same or completely different, since this was a clan and not a pack?


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