Birthday Wishes, Apology Kisses

415+3 OOC:

He smiled at her comment, so surprises were good for her huh? That he would make sure to remember. He looked down at her as she traced over him enjoying the touch, and feeling secure, though his mind was still asking him if this was right. He had just had something happen where he mated with Orin only a few days before… now he was with another but… this time, he knew in his heart that she was the one? How? because she said she loved you? That wasn’t enough though. There had to be more. It was her beautiful voice, it soothed every fiber in his body, and the way she moved? Yes that helped too. What about the feeling you get you see her or even think about her? That was a big one there. That feeling made him know he was in love. His thoughts were distracted when she spoke up.


And she asked… would he confront Jensen? His heart clenched… he did really want to confront him… just to say… what? He sighed…

I do… I want to confront him, but you are right, I don’t think that I should… I think you should at least tell him about the pregnancy.

He said, he never liked the idea that he wouldn’t know if he was going to be a father, even if he never knew, it just made him unhappy that it would possibly happen to another male and he knew about it.

Then it fell into silence again, him thinking about how much he was enjoying her in his arms, what life was going to be like, how things would happen between them, the little details. It was nice. It was broken again by her next question. Were there any medics? Well no… he didn’t think so…

I think Orin knows some things about medicine, but no… you’re the only one I know of that has any knowledge.

Shawchert was certain that she wasn’t going to go to Orin for any medical advice at this point in time, so he knew he was of little use in his answer then his face became worried and he looked her over.

There’s not anything wrong is there?

He asked, he started chiding himself as the question came out… of course she is fine she’s been laying here, she couldn’t have broken a leg or something… It had to be for possible medical knowledge then, to compare notes. Yes that was it.

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