Border Patrol


Itzal had confessed more about himself in those simple words then she could ever realize. Those things defined him. That was his legacy, that was who he was. He might only be a year old, but he was to set in his ways to change. He was a puzzling person. Even he had to admit that. He could kill someone he had cared on conversations with, who he had smiled at, in a second, without hesitation. But he did not like it. Parted of him on the other hand loved it. And that part would kill when ever it felt like, it needed to kill, if it was in control it would need to kill, just like Itzal would need to eat and drink. But at the same time, when Itzal was in control, he was guarded and catious, but curiuos and (if he wanted to be) nice. He could put on many mask, faces, personalities. So many that sometimes he caught himself asking. What is real and what is fake? He could not help but wonder if others had the same problem. He figured some might, but others had probably never even stop to consider it. He laughed to himself at how care free some of the people around him must live. They were lucky, even though he had to admit. What was life without a bit of mystery? And what bigger mystery then who you really are? He contemplated the idea some more. A life with no cares, or a life with mystery and wonder. He could not deny that the very life he had, the one with wonder and mystery, appealed to him more. So Itzal figured he could not complain. He had lived his life this far, and he planned on living it out the rest of the way. though was some care free thinking to much to ask of himself? Why couldn't he think about how fluffy the clouds were, or how nice the weather was? Just normal, care free thoughts. He sighed. It was because he would never be a care free person. It too was something he could not change, so he just accepted it and decided to move on.

Itzal himself was starting to get hungry. He had not eaten since yesterday morning, but he had a good full rabbit. He had shifted a couple of time since then and was starting to feel the hunger biting at his stomach. He would have to hunt. He thought about his companion and wondered if she would want to hunt, or if she was even hungry. If he planned on hunting something small like a rabbit then he would have to shift to optime or lupus. Not perfering the brute strength and size of the secui when huntin fast and agile rabbits. In optime he could kill it with one swift throw of his knife if he got it right. And in lupus he could chase it down. Either way he would get food if he could find it. But he decided he should wait until after he was done patroling this section of the border. He could hunt anytime, seeing as tracking and hunting were easy for him. He wondered Valkyrie was at it? Maybe he would have a chance to see. It did not matter to him all that much anyways. Just his curiousity again. He was starting to wish that it had an off button. Itzal scanned the border again. She had not responded to his story. Which was fine by him. It meant she either could thiink of nothing to say, or just did not feel like saying anything was required. And nothing was required, she had asked, he had answered, he did not want her pity, her consulation, he had lived his past, he knew what it was like, and he knew that the things he had done and had seen were his burden, it was the price he had to pay to survive. But he had to admit, sometimes he felt like the weight was crushing him, he wished he had someone to share it with, someone would could stand by him. He knew that was not likely to happen, and the one time it almost had, he ruined it. Another burden to bare, another memory better left forgotten. "I'm not perfect, and I'll never claim to be, I've got the blood of a killer in me, I will admit that, but it is my past, it is what I had to do to survive, and no matter how much I regret it, there is very little I would ever change." He would only change a few things he had done, things that had changed his life.

He listened closely to her story. So he had been right. She was origanly from here. He found her story intersting, just like he found most peoples. Even though it was not like his own story, he found it held its own excitment and adventure as his. To her, it was her first time away, it was a new world, and he found it interesting that she was brave enough to go on that journey. He also found it interesting that the war had scared her. He had been under the Impression most member of Inferni had no problem with killing and bloodshed. Maybe she was just diffrent. He smiled when she mention being homesick. It was funny how Inferni might not seem it, but it could be a very comfotring place. He looked back at her and smiled. "I'm being honest when I say I find all of that interesting and very brave of you." Sure, he knew how to flirt and charm, but some things he just did honestly, with a flirtish attitude. And he could be charming if he wished it. It is just that he usually did not. "Are you getting hungry at all Valkyrie? He figured he might as well ask so he would know if he would have a hunting partner. He hunted better alone. But with just one other person, he would not do to bad. And it was only fair to let her come along if she wanted to. And whatever they caught she would get most off. He was a gentleman like that. And that thought alone made him laugh. Itzal was far from a gentle man. But you had to give him credit for trying.

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