Border Patrol
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Word Count- 453

Her eys lifted up to the sky as she studied the clouds above. They promised snow in the next few hours, but how much she couldn't tell. It was easy to tell when it was going to rain or snow, the clouds just got darker, but it was hard to tell how much since there was really no sign. One could try to guess by checking how dark the clouds were or how big, but no one usually got it right. She expected that the humans might have been able to find out with all their magic stuff. She had learned about their magic stuff from on of the wolves she had meet when she was traveling. In fact, she had learn that the humans had existed from that wolf. He had told her that he had studied them from a long time from books and knew almost everything one could know from them. He had told her that he would teach her to read and write, but she had left before he had gotten the chance. Maybe someone here could teach her. Their wasn't anyone she knew in Inferni that could read or write, so if she wanted to she would have to go out of the clan and contact someone. She knew her father would completely disagree with that idea.

When Itzal spoke it surprised her. She looked at him for a moment before quickly looking away. Almost everyone she told her past to was immedently bored and most didn't pretend not to be, but he had called her brave. She supposed that, in its own way, her past was brave, but nothing comparded to his background. He was raised in a violent pack and his family was killed, but some way he survived and was now prospering in Inferni. "Thank you." She said it like it was something you would say everyday at a normal moment. She did say it often, so it had lost it's special meaning that caused cainins to only say it when something special happened. She was hungry, but she could hunt by herself. It was always funner to hunt with others though instead of by herself. It was easier too. One coyote could chase it towards the other making for a easy catch. She wasn't particually better at hunting then patroling or remembering the land, but she was still decent at it. "I am getting hungry." She knew that if she said yes they would probably end up hunting somewhere, but it seemed nice to ask anyway. "Do you want to go hunting?" She knew he would probably say yes, since he was the one that asked meaning that he was probably hungry like she was.


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