M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]
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wc: 551

She was a dirty, dirty whore. She’d had no right to be talking to one of her valued members like that, using her leadership to bend Fiachra’s will and make her feel that she had to put up with such behavior from her just because she was a leader. She oughtn’t to have asked her that at all, to push the boundary even more. She should have let it drop. In her drunken state she was slightly more submissive, easily nodding and agreeing to stay where she was while Fiachra took care of a few things. Her mind was whirling with the possibilities of what might have happened if she hadn’t knocked the bottle over, if it hadn’t shattered on the floor and interrupted their conversation.

The lower pack member took her hand and examined her wound, shouting words at the table. This made sense to Naniko, that she would speak to the table; she didn’t know exactly how the bottle had ended up on the floor, but she had a feeling that that table had something to do with it. It was tilted or something! She shook her head. It needed a good reprimanding. She would come back in the morning and see to it that it was given no food for a few days until it chose to act better.

She attempted to speak the word that Fiachra was struggling with as the female stammered. ”Infatuated! No, that’s not right” The next thing she knew a bottle was being pressed to her lips and her world tilted to the side as she laid down on the bed. So much seemed to be happening to her at once, so many things that she couldn’t yet process. Fiachra was decidedly less drunk than she and Naniko found this puzzling. However, her mind wouldn’t allow her to wonder about much of anything for too long before it was diverted, moving like a train onto a brand new track.

A few drinks from the bottle had her feeling no better. She closed her eyes for a minute and allowed her packmate to manipulate her hand in whatever way she felt she needed to. Little pricks of pain still remained, but she felt certain that Fia would remove as much of the glass as she could before she did anything else. She was going to be a healer in the pack, right? Naniko closed her eyes and tried to relax, falling unconscious for a short period of time. When she awoke she found herself just as she had been before, but with a more sharp and painful feeling in her hand and a tension where before there had been none.

She tried to look at it, but it was already bandaged up. ”I think I was asleep..or something. I don’t remember the bandage being there before” She looked at Fiachra, who was laying beside her. From this angle it made her wonder if they were still sitting together at the table; last thing she recalled, she had been laying on the bed. Unless Fiachra had joined her on the bed. That made more sense. ”Ohh, shit. I didn’t mean to take your bed.” She said. ”Uhh..I don’t know how I am…I just feel funny. My head’s all swimmy—is your head all s-wimmy Fia?”

Table by Jenny!

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