
OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; 789 words

Ouija had an inch on his male leader. His height came from his grandfather though. He wasn't quite as tall as that giant of a wolf had been but he was certainly the largest in the cult that he had come from. His mother was quite small in comparison to him. Actually his mom was small when compared to most actually. His sister was taller than their mother as well. His mother's petite size just made her even more endearing. But who didn't love the canine that gave them life? Especially when they were as sweet and loving as his own. He missed her, not certain of what had happened to her. He didn't know what had happened to any of his family actually. He had lost friends as well and so he had to start all over here. Which is a reason why he kept himself as busy as he did so that he couldn't dwell on the recent past. He had to forget about New Brunswick and make due in Nova Scotia instead.

Ouija wore no clothing at all, not unless the snakeskin gris gris about his neck was considered as a part of that. He had no need for clothing when his own fur could prove to be too warm for him at times. But then again he had constantly been working near a fire lately. It was no wonder that being trapped in a wooden building with fire and a thick pelt would cause him to be overly warm. Noticing the way that the other had eyed his piece of jerky he held out the strip in offering. "Here you go, sexy. I've got more at the lodge. Didn't bring too much with me since I was only on a run to get more water." He smiled, being sincere with his gesture. He had noticed the empty eye socket in the brief time that it had been presented and simply found it to be endearing to say the least.

"Well I am glad you aren't. My mother wasn't anywhere are colorful as you. And if I do say so myself, you certainly win out in the beauty portion as well." But then again he had a thing for those that were more than a single color and like him his mother was only born with one. She kept her coat that way while he did not. "Well some spring I can show you exactly how. Nothing is a better teacher than some hands on experience." And he certainly wouldn't mind those hands on him. But perhaps he was being too forward. He simply couldn't help himself. He wasn't used to those that were marked up and it simply stirred something inside of him. He wanted to know just how those scars felt beneath his fingertips. Just how that empty socket would taste and feel under the ministrations of his tongue.

He had to pull his mind from such thoughts as he was questioned and the other male ended up introducing himself. But before he could answer he noticed the other looking him over. He bit his tongue before he could ask the other canine if he saw something that he liked. "I mean it. Come spring when all the plants are in bloom again I will show you exactly how to dye. You are too beautiful to change so you can just practice on me. There is no way that you can mess up." After all he didn't have any certain pattern to what he did. He just used whatever colors he could find and splashed them anywhere and everywhere upon himself. And his words were spoken with sincerity to them, no longer exactly flirting any longer. Sure, it was still on his mind but he knew how to be serious as well. If the other was interested then he would teach him. He just didn't have anything to teach with at the moment.

"But yes, I am of Cercatori D'Arte. Have been here since the founding. The name is Ouija and I have no musical talent." At least he didn't believe that he did. Sure, he sang on occasion but that was only for himself. He had never allowed anyone else to hear that. He really didn't imagine himself to have the voice for it. But he had never thought to get a second opinion on it. That would be entirely too embarrassing. If it wasn't liked then there was no way that he could change his voice. He'd rather be judged on what he could make with his hands. That way he could scrap what wasn't liked and just start all over. With vocal talent you either had it or you did not.

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