She smiled sadly when Naniko spoke of her being more of a parent than her own blood kin. She shook her head and looked at the girl beofre her, now grown with her own life. She knew she had been the one there through her childhood, but not for long enough, atleast in Iskata's mind. I know, but at times it doesn't seem like it was enough. I let you all down. She definately was not proud of what she had done, how could she have been, she'd almost killed her own son and could have come close to doing the same to Naniko if she hadn't run off that day. There was a darkness inside her, the guilt eating at her.

When Naniko brought up Firefly and her first brood she looked back to her and frowned. You know.. I never even knew Magdalena had even survived until I found Firefly and DaVi.. She looked off in the distance, off towards the mountainside. They found her you know. Too stubborn for his own good.. and we'd thought that he'd kidnapped Firefly out of spite. She'd followed him because he was her friend. I should have trusted him.. but I listened to my pack, all they saw was his troubled side, they didn't believe there was any good in him. She shook her head sadly and looked back to Naniko.

A sliver of a grin split her maw as she chuckled. The whole lot of them sailed off to Ireland... I don't know why but they said they had to see what was beyond the sunrise. They promised to come home one day, who knows when that will be though... She looked back to Naniko as she spoke of her new life and pack. The wolf of silver and gold nodded, her eyes shining as she listened. I know Conri, he came looking for you often when you were younger, before I left. He was a good boy. I'm glad you found some security after all this atleast Nani...

She looked around at the dark lands around her before replying to the last thing Naniko had asked. Yes, I've been here for a bit of time.. I've been looking for Ember, Icarus and Kansas.. Phoenix left... She didn't say what her heart was, he'd left her, he'd left the family. So long he'd promised to stay, to wait for her.. and in the end he'd disappeared. Now she was alone again, but by her own choice for the time being.. she wasn't sure if she could handle being with those that loved her for who she was just now.

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