The Sound of Music
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Sorry for the wait. SSWM: 424

Gaël loved the sound of the guitar. He could see himself making a living out of playing his instrument, though he wasn’t sure how much of a life it would really be. He was still waiting for the family to come around before he made any final decisions on anything. So far all he had was the beauty of nature and the sounds of music that he created with his own hands. The giant paused in his performance when he caught the scent of someone nearby. It was not a lingering scent so he was sure whoever it was had just come and most likely heard the music from a distance away. He moved his turquoise gaze over to the borders as he noticed the female coming into view. She was beautiful, almost like the heavens had sent down and angel and this was her mortal form. He watched her come closer and greet him. A small smile formed on his face as he stopped playing and moved over to her. He could see that he was much taller than she was, though he was sure he was taller than mostly anyone around, seeing as he was an incredible eight feet tall. The male hoped that the female was not scared of his height. He stopped at a still bit of a distance from her. He lowered his head to her before closing his eyes. ”Hello my dear.”

Gaël couldn’t help but smile more with her compliment on his music. He raised his head and looked into her mutli colored eyes. He was glad that she introduced herself next so that he knew who he could properly thank. He slowly moved closer to her, but was still not right next to her. ”Thank you for the compliment Miss Amata.” He looked around, figuring she was from the pack that he had come to. Perhaps she would be able to take him to the source of the water within the pack lands. He looked beyond her to the lands behind her. ”Are you from the pack that resides here?” The giant could still hear the water falling in the distance and longed to see what it looked like. He would not pester her about entering the pack lands unless she invited him in. The male’s tail laid gently behind him as he set his guitar at his side. He didn’t mind that a little snow was getting on his instrument so long as he would be able to clean it off later.


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