M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]
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wc: 360

Ahh, that made sense. It was dark in the den but not too dark. Dark enough for her to feel comfortable enough to fall asleep, but light enough for her to make out Fiachra's expression through the space between them. Her heart raced, thudding uncomfortably in her ears as she stared at her across the distance. She didn’t say anything for a few minutes after her pack mate stopped speaking, unsure of what she could say. Thank you? ”I like the fairy” She said instead.

What was it about this encounter that made her heart beat so? She couldn’t understand it. Even when she was with Ravesqu e she hadn’t felt this swayed by emotion. He hadn’t made her that nervous or brought this type of a response from her heart ever before. She could only ever remember feeling this way when she had been with a female. Perhaps that was the issue there. Her times with Anu, when she had been mated to the female, had been full of passion.

”I won’t rememember this?” The leader repeated. Would Fiachra remember it? She’d been sober enough to stitch her up. And from the feel of things, she’d done a damn good job. It would be a shame for her not to remember such craftsmanship in the morning. Naniko felt a light touch against her long, braided mane and she nearly jumped, an electric shock shooting through her body. She could swear that her heart had stopped for a moment. There was something that she could do to make things better…

She reached down with her uninjured hand to free it from its band, uncoiling the braid and allowing her locks to flow free. It kinked in places in soft, light waves. If she had been standing, it would have reached past her tail, it was so very long. She looked to Fiachra once more before reaching for the other female’s hand, attempting to replace it where it had touched before. ”I should cut it sometime. I keep letting it grow.” Naniko breathed in, eyes falling for a moment before coming back up to meet the icy ones of the other.

Table by Jenny!

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