M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]
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SSWM: 325.

Fiachra smiled softly, her eyes fixated on Naniko's form. She could feel where this was leading, where her queen was leading her, so why was she resisting? She let go of her inhibitions, one by one, as her mind's protests faded from screams to whispers to nothing. She let Naniko place her hand, her breath coming short and ragged now as her desires took a firm root and tugged on her to do more. She ran her fingers through the other woman's mane, whispering softly as she did, "No.. it's beautiful. Leave it.." Her fingers wove and tangled themselves deeper into the waves of hair, Fiachra's eyes locked on those of her snow white queen, ignoring all rules of conduct and respect now.

Before she realized what she was doing, she had moved closer, slipped her free arm around Naniko's waist, her eyes not blinking, her breath coming in shallow gasps now. She tugged her intoxicated leader closer to her, lowering her head to nuzzle into her neck gently. "You won't remember this at all," she whispered at last, her mind racing. Should she back off? Not take advantage? No, she had asked for this, with her actions, with her eyes... it was all willing, it was all consented to, even if neither of them was particularly in any state to be giving consent at the moment. There was nothing wrong with this.. nothing wrong...

A flicker of fear entered Fiachra's mind as she remembered her past, the only other time she had ever been so close to another. But that had been different.. forced.. this didn't feel forced, didn't feel painful or violent or wrong. In fact, nothing had ever felt so right. Fiachra closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She would go wherever Naniko would go, she would follow her anywhere, give her anything. And if this was what her snow white queen wished for, then she would have exactly this.


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