a single cell on the serpent's tongue

OOC here: Table & Coding © Kahilli; 1702 words

Ouija knew that exact same feeling. He felt that disconnect in Cercatori D'Arte as well. There were those there that he liked well enough but none that he felt especially close to. The feel was entirely different than the one that he had in the cult. Suppose nothing could replace one's first home. Or perhaps it was because he was used to constant contact and lessons with those that shared his interests. That personal space didn't matter. You could just cozy on up to anyone and it was appropriate. Perhaps it was Shaw's ill at ease at him simply holding another pack member at the meeting that showed him just how different this place was than where he had come from. It wasn't as if the female that he held had been coerced. She had been comfortable with it. It was only the leader to show discomfort. He would have thought that comradeship would have been praised rather than sought to be ended. From that point he hadn't really made an effort to get close to the other's in the pack. What was the point if any relationships that were built would just be destroyed by the leader? No, he had made more, and stronger, connections to those outside of the pack than within it. He could go to about any other pack and know someone there that would most likely take him in should he desire it. He didn't have to wait for the pack to make alliances when he had his own. If not for his fierce loyalty to the things that he pledges himself to then the pack could be damned.

The struggle would come should it ever be family versus pack. He had loyalties to both. He couldn't turn his back on either. So far it didn't seem as if he would have to worry about it. That was definitely a good thing for him. It was certainly a subject that he didn't want to dwell on. Now that he knew where his family was he vaguely wondered should talk of an alliance be broached. But why should he do the legwork of the leader? Shaw or Skye should be the ones out and actively seeking alliances. After all they were the ones that were worried about making it through the winter. They were the ones that were stressing the food situation and wanting to make nice with the other packs. It would be up to them to start forming those alliances. After all he had the assurance that he could go to a different pack and be accepted should Cercatori D'Arte fail. He had family to turn to if it came down to it. Still he missed the cult most of all.

Ouija didn't spend much time in the town portion of the pack where everyone else was at but stayed out in the forest. He could navigate his way through the trees easier than he could the streets of the small town. He couldn't even name everyone in the pack or where they stayed at. He had been keeping to himself and to the work that he had practically promised to do. Perhaps he should start taking his work around and trade it off soon. It was an idea at least. He had quite a bit saved up now and more than one of each animal. The only thing was that he had no idea what to trade for. He had never traded before, he had always given away his work. Should someone need something he gave away his services freely. He didn't see the point in charging someone that couldn't do the task for it. After all, say he needed something that he couldn't so himself. He would have to depend on another then. What would he give in return for their services? He had no idea. There had never been a charge in the cult. Everyone gave of themselves freely. They worked together to get things done. It was another thing that he found less than desirable about this new pack that he was with.

As long as he was working he didn't have to focus on the things and beliefs that he missed. He didn't have to realize the pack that he had pledged himself to wasn't really working out for him. That it felt strange to call the place home even though he still used the term since he had nowhere else for him to go. Or well, he had other possibilities for him to inspect but he had not done so. He kept his belongings in Cercatori D'Arte and so for all intents and purposes that was home now. Or at least the place where he had set up a den to sleep in and a place to work. His loyalty wouldn't allow him to leave no matter how unhappy he grew. And to combat that he through himself even further into his work. He could spend hours lost in whatever he was working on and not taking a single break until he had completed whatever it was.

He smiled as his goddess drew nigh. Was it possible that she had grown even more beautiful? Normally he liked more color than this female displayed in her pelt but she contained a kindred spirit. She understood the importance of the organs. They shared a soul and through that had extended their own life times. Then there was also the shared power and enhanced vision of the third eye. How many others could understand the importance of that? Could make those connections to insides of the animals? All everyone else saw was tasty meat and had no understanding of just what it was that they were eating. So far this dark pelted female seemed to be the only one to understand the true meaning behind all that was consumed. She seemed to be the only other one able to harness the powers of what was contained within the organs. That knew just what to do with them.

Confusion settled onto his features at the display of her concern. He wasn't certain what that was about. He glanced down at his feet where her gaze seemed to have traveled to. He glanced up in enough time to catch her questioning gaze. He chuckled as he reached out to either side of him to pet the cubs on their heads. "You don't have to worry about them. They are young enough to be trained still." And of course Ouija had been training them in his spare moments. He had them listening to him and obeying. Well Goddess was a bit stubborn at times. "They are Goddess and King, you have your choice as to which you desire." He was giving her the choice of which kit she wanted, granted the names weren't that original at all. They worked for the occasion well enough though. "Since the distance between the packs is so large I figured that they could do some of the leg work and carry messages back and forth." Of course if she wanted one for a different purpose then that was fine as well. Or if she didn't feel like caring for one at all then that would work too. He had just thought it would be a convenient way to keep in contact with each other rather than having to make the long trek themselves.

The cubs tilted their heads and stared right back up at Eris. They didn't make a move to attack though. They hadn't received instruction to do so and were behaving themselves for the time being. Well, at least until Goddess decided to swat at King with her tail and had the other cub growling and pouncing on his sister. But Ouija ignored them for now since they weren't hurting anything by wrestling about. Instead he had leaned forward to wrap his lips around the bit of jerky that was hanging from between Eris's lips. He had acted without thinking. He bit off the jerky that he had in his mouth, having not even paused to think that the other canine might not want his lips near her own. He quickly swallowed the small piece that he had in his mouth, continuing to stare up at her for her reaction.

He turned his head to lick at her hand as she reached out for his chin. He obeyed her order and stood up. But then again he was the obedient sort. He received and followed instructions well. Not that there were many in the are of Nova Scotia to know that and end up putting it to use. There were only a select few that had been let in on that. And well, he rather liked being instructed to do something. To be at the whim and will of another. Though who that knew him and his flirtatious and hands on ways would realize that about him? After all he was generally the one to start flirting and make the first move and suggestions so who would think he would rather have someone else make the advances?

He chuckled and shook his head at her words. "I had promised you and I make true on my promises. Granted this had happened by accident. I was merely looking around when I ran across her. Still the task was completed." He told the truth rather than fibbing and saying he had stalked the prey for days. He had admitted to not having been actively searching at the time. "I ran across her near here so you should be careful in case there are more of them." There was still some distance between the pack lands and just where he had tangled with the cougar but that didn't mean that the felines wouldn't roam in search of a meal. He followed Eris's glance down to the cubs. "From what I can figure she was taking them out to show them how to hunt. I've been feeding them jerky on the way over." He had been keeping them on an all meat diet and they seemed to be fine. To him they appeared just like healthy and energetic cubs.

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