Home again, home again...!

+316 We'll make another thread. Big Grin You can end this one in your next post if you want. :3

He found himself working hard to work out the different language, but it came within a moment and he smiled at her, secretly adoring being 'her prince'. He loved his mother more than anything, and deep down, underneath the teenage turmoil that was his hormones, boy knew he'd always be her baby son. He'd have it no other way, though.

Boy listened intently as he was told of having cousins. Cousins! More pups! With a grin, he winked and laughed. "I hope they know I'm not a babysitter then." He paused, and sighed. "And no, I didn't know that. It's good to know the family still grows, though." For a moment, just a moment, he wondered when he'd find his own mate and raise his own family. The teenager wanted none of that though, and pushed it aside for later in life.

Gotham turned again to continue up the stairs, stopping a few more steps up with his head lowered, shaking some. Ah, Ma... you've got me tied around your little finger sometimes. Egh. He looked over his shoulder again with a far-off smile, blue eyes meeting his mother's own, and with a soft voice, he replied to her earlier comment. "Dormire sonni tranquilli, mia madre. Sono a casa per rimanere." With that said, boy had both proven he'd been listening all those months, and shown her that he wasn't, really was not, going to leave again.

Boy smiled again to her, an honest smile, then continued up those stairs to find himself a room. He felt so at ease now... Boy Gotham could finally relax a bit, being home once more, in the safe presence of his family. Truely, Gotham was his mother's son. Teenagers and grown men would see this as a weakness... but considering the mother, and considering the boy, it was quite the contrary; Gotham was stronger because of it. No doubt.

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