OOC: Aww. that's so nice. Two gifts. XD of course. One won't be very long-lasting, but oh well. <3

Valinta sat on the small bed couch thing that she had carried up, piece by piece, into her home and sniffled. She wasn't sad, at all, but her emotions were very confusing. She didn't want to stand up and move around. Valinta didn't want any visitors, yet had scribbled out a note to J'adore that told him to come.
Knocking at the door could only mean one thing. She'd been horribly witchy at everyone lately, even Sky, though not as much at her. Everyone had taken to avoiding her house ever since then.
Throwing open the door, Valinta grabbed J'adore and wrapped him in a tight hug. It wouldn't be the easiest thing, telling him, but certainly not very hard. After all, he was the father. But it wouldn't be very fun if he didn't want the children. Or child.
But Valinta hoped to god that he did. It would break her heart if she didn't.

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