It Slips Through Your Fingers

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; 328 words

The sound of the voice had her quickly dropping the rock to hide between her thighs. She wasn't certain how to explain what she had been doing. She hadn't ever expected to get caught in the act. But maybe he hadn't seen that she had done it to herself? It was a feeble hope but the only one that she had to go on for now. The only thing that she could cling to since his voice had been concerned rather than accusatory. Maybe she had lucked out. After all she came all the way out here to be alone as she performed this private ritual. It meant that she wanted to be alone during it. That she didn't want to be stopped from what she was doing. It was why it was kept a secret. So that no one could prevent it from happening.

She rubbed the ice on her thigh to get rid of the evidence of blood as she lifted her head and turned it to look towards the male. "I'm fine. I uh... I just ran into something and got scratched up." It was a feeble lie but the only thing that she could think of without being forced to tell the truth. She was almost certain that there was some sort of sharp or jagged object for her to have passed by and injured herself on out here. At least she hoped there was. Or that he wouldn't end up asking too many questions.

"So uh, do you stay out around here?" She was trying to distract from what she had been doing. Sele really couldn't think on her toes. She couldn't figure out what to ask or say to keep from questions being asked. She had no idea how to distract. It was just another thing that she failed at. Just something else that she couldn't do. Something else that would plague her and she would have to punish herself for later.


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