Unlikely Events

If you do not like the fact that he knows she is watching, I can change it, I just figured he would since it kind of goes with his stealthyness. 1058

Itzal was not cold. Not that it surprised him, he was almost never cold. That is why he went shirtless even in the dead of winter, and why he could swim through this water and not feel anything. He was actual more surprised that the lake was not frozen over. It must more around a lot when the wind blows to strong, so it shifts and turns to much for it to freeze, which was good for Itzal, cause it would be hard swimming in a block of ice. He was enjoying himself, the relaxing way the water slapped his body as small waves formed. He closed his eyes as he floated, listening to the sounds in the air and the smells that were being carried to him. He liked it in the water, but not as much as the forest. He could not stay at the ocean, maybe for a while, but eventually he would have to venture out into the trees and the plants, he would have to inhale the scent of it, just to calm himself and feel peaceful. The water moved to much to ever make him feel truly at peace, but he still liked the calming affect it had. If he had been human, he probably would have lived in the trees, near the ocean. He wondered if other would rather live at the ocean but near the trees. He probably would have been weird to them, his personality and everything. He shrugged it off, he did not care when he was weird to other canines and luperci, so why would he care about humans. Maybe the reasons luperci and other canines were ok wiht being diffrent and weird from each other is because they all are. Some are hybrids of many kinds, some are purebreds, some are diffrent species then others. They all had diffrent coloring, scars, and patterns in their fur. They were all unique, maybe the humans weren't. He wondered about this, while still paying attention to what his sense were telling him. His eyes were closed and he sighed softly. Then he thought of how cold this water might be. He chuckled softly to himself. It is the dead of winter, and he was floating in the water of a lake that was probably freezing cold. He wondered why he never got cold. Maybe his souls and heart were so cold, nothing on the outside of his body felt cold to him. It would not surprise him, he was a killer, or at least he was when he had to be. Another part of him was by nature, it only survived to kill, and it enjoyed it. He however tried to be warm and have a heart when he could, he was not a mean person all the time, it was just natural untrusting and guarded behavior. He had a hard past, and that left him with some habits of coming off as a jerk, when he could really be a nice guy. He sighed again.

Then he smiled to himself, a smirkish smile, his natural one. His real one. It was an amused smile, and he was amused. He loved how lately, people had been trying to sneak up on him. He was an expert at stealth and being undetected, and with it came an expertess at telling when others were sneaking around him, or trying to sneak up on him. He figured that as long as he knew that the wolf was there, and it did not know he knew, he could just leave her be for now. If he noticed it doing something that might be dangerous for him, he would react before she got a chance. Maybe she was just curious. But either way, he kept his attention slightly on her, curious himself as to what she was doing. She might have come looking for him, if she found his camp, but other wise, she was probably just wandering around and had come upon the lake, and him. He knew his knife was in the pouch tied to his jeans, but he would not need it. He could shift, or he could fight in optime, though she was in Secui, and would have size on her side, he would be more nimble and agile. He was not saying he wanted to fight her, just that he was considering all possiblities. He sighed again and open his eyes slightly. The sunsetting was only a few minutes away. He smiled at that. If there was on thing he loved other then the forest and trees, it was the dark. He could almost completely disappear in the dark. Though he did not have a problem of that in the light either, it was a lot easier in the dark. He closed his eyes again, he considered hunting when he was done with his swim, he debated it, thinking of what he might be able to catch, but he decided that he would confront the wolf first and see what she was doing out here and spying on him, if she did not confront him first, which he thought she might since she was still sticking around. He sighed, and dived under the water, swimming around to the otherside of the lake and getting out, not one the side she was on, or his jeans, but the other one, his back to her. He did that so he would not have to confront her so soon, he wanted to see what she was doing and what she wanted to do next. Itzal let the water run down his body, figuring he could air dry, he liked feeling the water, and he knew he had a good body, he could not help but wonder what it would look like when the sunset and it reflected off of the water in his fur and on his body. He figured it would be a shame he could not see it from a diffrent perspective. But he wondered what the wolf would think, and it made him smirk, his back was still to her but he turned around, making sure not to look right at her, so he did not make her suspicious. But he could not help but grin at the thought of her watching him and thinking he did not know.

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