
Sorry it took me so long! I've been so busy, and I've been putting replying off ;-;

Korva had been loitering around the stables. After her first encounter with Liliana, she had grown fond of the horses, and often stopped by just to look at them. But this time, there was a stranger here. In her Lupus form, Korva watched, feeling very small and wild, watching this male tend to his horse. She was hidden in the darkest corner of the stable as she often did, because she hated to scare the horses but she was more comfortable in her four-legged shape. He was pretty - the wolf, although the horse was pretty too - with a kind, becoming golden color to his pelt and a black stripe down his back. He seemed very intent on cleaning his stallion, joking around with it and scolding it kindly, murmuring to it. Korva thought she had never seen anyone so intent on taking care of another being, and being a healer it inspired her a bit. It was somewhat how she had once cared for her brother, with kindness and a gentle touch, and with some harsh teasing too. She had been so comfortable with him, and it was the same way this brute was with his horse. She envied his happiness, wishing she could share that with a person.

She watched as he sort of went off into a dreamlike stare, obviously thinking or remembering something as he continued to groom his beautiful steed. It was fascinating watching this wolf. He was as lean and strong as any other, but something about him interested her. She couldn't think of anything she could say to him - she was too shy to approach anyone on her own, and it would be so awkward to just stand there and say hello. She closed her lavendar eyes tightly, her head pounding from the social problems she had. Was it because she was simply shy? Why couldn't she just think herself through a situation? Finally deciding what to do, she shifted to her Optime form as quietly as she could, a few ragged breaths escaping from her nose as she felt the energy she had go into shifting. Her limbs lengthened and thickened, her fur softened, her toes grew into long digits. She felt herself in an awkward crouching position, and she brushed back some of her short hair with owl feathers and turquoise beads in it. Almost immediately after cutting it, she had wanted to grow it back, and she was beginning to wish it would grow faster.

"Um, hello," she said softly, mouthing the words before the sound could actually escape her throat. I see you, uh, like the horses, she ventured weakly, gesturing a little bit with one light-brown hand. She offered a shy smile, trying to be as friendly as possible. The more friends she had, the better, right?

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