take it or leave it.

Yeah, somewhere along the middle of that diagonal east border, was what I figured should be about right *ponders making a map of Umbra's travels*.

Fifteen miles? Umbra converted that to days. Well, it was still in a south-westerly direction, so it wasn't that much of a problem. "Thank you," he therefore said, nodding and trying not to be unnerved by the other's stare. It wasn't quite a challenging stare, but still not friendly. Then again, it wasn't too surprising, what with him being a stranger and all. "You wouldn't happen to know of any other loners?" he asked, wondering to himself how he would alleviate the other's worries. Should he ask what kind of pack this wolf was part of? No, not quite yet. "My name's Umbra," he said instead, giving out some information of his own to put himself at a slight disadvantage. "And I'm tired of being on my own, so I'm trying to find some companions. I was told that many had headed west, so I thought that would be the best place to go, but perhaps you know something new?"

After all, there was no guarantee that Tawny's information had been correct. Or even that he'd been honest. You never knew with coyotes and those shape-shifting non-wolves. Certainly, they'd hunted well together, and no doubt Tawny's sudden change of size had helped, but it was still uncanny. Before that had happened, he'd been of a mind to ask Tawny if the older canine had wanted to accompany him westwards, but after...? No, it had been best to part ways. Umbra could deal with short meetings like that, but to spend longer than necessary with one of those? No, thank you.

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