All the Pretty Little Ponies
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AHHH...WHY DID I POST AS ARO x.x pretend it's adonia..x.x

She was in her two-legged form when she worked seriously around the horses. Already she had cleaned out their stalls and gave them all fresh hay and oats, along with water. It was once she was done with that that she began to brush their mane's and overall body. She always saved her favorite for last so she could spend extra time with him. Overall they all got the same treatment, and attention. Though her last one always had just an extra bit of touching and attention. If another came up sometimes he'd whinnie to them or other times he'd allow it and she'd use her free hand to brush gently along the bridge of their long faces. Today was no different. When Ookami came to the barn she knew right away as one of the horses went to greet him. She was near the middle of the pasture. The snow didn't stick long in here as horses trampled and kicked it all about. If it wasn't for the long grass near the middle of the pasture mud would be everywhere.

As the horses moved to investigate the newest face to the barnyard, her eyes lifted from her horse, to look at Ookami. Her ears went back in a slightly shy manner. Not many saw her in her third form. In a way she felt the most vulnerable in this form. As her ears laid flat against her head, her eyes looked over to him, a light smile upon her features, "Hi there, Ookami..what brings you to the stables today?" She thought about shifting to her lupus form, but she would wait for a better time to do so. Her arms going behind her body as she held the brushes in both hands, her tongue came out to lick her muzzle in a display of nervous habit.


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