OOC: I found some pictures I drew on my wall XD I'm remaking them in my sketchbook now. Big Grin and she will. Don't worry. ;D

Valinta almost missed what J'adore said that Sky had said as she moved to the couch and he followed. Almost being the key word.
Instant anger. She was treading a razor edge with her emotions, and that tipped her to the pissy side. "Me? Acting up? Never, J'adore. Never." she all but hissed at him.
Valitna was not in the mood for anything, but leaned into him when he wrapped his arm around her anyway. Telling him what was 'up' would not be her most favorite thing to do at that point. So Valinta avoided the topic. She focused on his new scars. They were hard to miss, shiny and a bright pinkish-red color. He'd also gotten his ear pierced.
"You're hurt. What happened, J'adore?" Valinta asked angrily. She pushed his nose out of her mane as she glared at him. Wanting to know who or what hurt him was priority, not her current state of body.
A body that was going to become annoying in due time.
Due. When were they due? Sky said something about March. So March? Or had she been told to march to AniWaya and find J'adore to tell him?
For all Valinta knew, it could have been both. She didn't know, and instead of going to J'adore, she chose to be on her homeground and tell him at her house. That way if he didn't like the news, she could howl for Shawchert or Skye or Sky. Probably the two girls, as they were far closer to her house than Shaw. Bangle was around her house, wasn't he? He could help Skye and Sky get J'adore away from her.
Away from those stupid thoughts. Valinta ordered herself. J'adore would like the news. He'd love it. He'd embrace becoming a father with joy.

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