OOC- Awesome!

'Sorry..' he couldn't help but smiled. He didn't know why though, maybe it was funny to see Vee's pissy side. He nodded and hung his head low as she mentioned his wounds, 'A fight, with some guy named Alaki. I won' he said 'I won' in the same way he had said to Voron, childishly. 'I was my fault really, but he ignored me and I got annoyed...', pulling a repaired cord and silver clump from his bag, 'I broke this in the fight, so I fixed it and I'm gonna return it. I promise'. His thumb stroked her leg as he gave his best, yet sutble, puppy dog/sad child eyes. Remembering his ears he smiled,'You can blame this on Sky! Also she told you, and I quote 'Keep Valinta's mouth away from it for the first two weeks'. He smiled hoping it would lighten her mood. She was almost unreadable, emotion wise asthey sat in her treehouse. If one could call it that, treehut might be more apropriate.

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