Valinta shrugged his arm away from her. She heard the ping of something hitting the floor, but ignored it. She was too focused on the doll she held tightly between black-furred hands. It was just as much her fault as his, though. She was the one that had initiated most of it. The one that approached him.
It wasn't his fault. He didn't do anything that she didn't start. It was all her fault. Like always. The baby would have a good father, but a stupid and horrible mother. A mother destined to make so many mistakes and stumble so many times that she would just stay down and lay there to die.
No. No, that couldn't happen. Valinta was stronger than that, she knew it. If she were that weak, then she wouldn't have J'adore in the house with her. She'd be alone, sitting buried beneath the covers of her bed and sobbing. Contemplating some way of abortion to not deal with it.
Not it. Never it. Her baby. His baby. Their baby. Something special.
"It depends on what you heard, J'adore." Valinta whispered.

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