Valinta didn't look at him as she played with the doll's hair again.
"There really isn't anything to say, J'adore. I'll keep the pup away from you and not tell who the father is, if that's what you want. But I'm not being parted from my pup." she whispered it all, not really wanting to speak, to just curl up into a little ball and cry. Or collapse into Sky's arms and cry. Either way, she was going to cry if he didn't stop soon.
It was really getting to her to hear him act like that, and she didn't like it. Valinta's ear twitched and tilted towards J'adore, the pain-filled sounds drifting towards her. All she wanted to do was comfort him, but she didn't know his position on the pup or pups yet. If he wanted them gone, or if he wanted her but not them, or he wanted them but not her... Valinta needed to know before she did anything.

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