Valinta snapped her head up and glared at J'adore. "They're yours, you idiot." she snarled. Her ears were pinned back and a large scowl was on her face. He was acting like stupid, and Valinta resented it. She hated being the intelligent one. She preffered people guiding her, not the other way around. It's why she missed her father most days. Because he would know what to do. He'd be able to help his pregnant daughter.
His arm was around her shoulders. Valinta didn't want him nearby, or to talk to him or feel him or be anywhere near him, yet she leaned heavily against his body anyway. "I don't care about if you stay or not. That's not what I want to hear." she mumbled softly. Her hand crept along the floor, looking for the doll, but instead felt something cold.
Picking it up, Valinta saw a small jigsaw puzzle piece charm on a small chain. "What's this?" she asked.

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