Hanging By A Limb

Hello sorry for the wait i was out of town ^.^ But i'm back word count: 372

Rendall had been haunted by a male in her dreams, His eyes were grey-blue orbs and his massive body always kept up with hers as she tried to run from him. Although he seemed old and ancient, whenever she tried to avoid him his legs appeared to be just as strong as hers His scent was always familiar and, when she surrendered to it, it brought her comfort, but she never found that she could stay with the male, and for some reason, she was always running again. Whe she had awoken from her latest dream she snarled and dashed out the door and into the wintery night, determined to rid her mind of the nightmare.

She ran hard and fast, keeping her feet in time with her racing heart. Icy wind raced past her face and she found no particular route, just to be away from her possesed bed and her tortured home. Rendall dug in her claws and pushed herself forward, racing with lightenting speed accross the powdery fields. Tears raced down her face from her anger and finally a whole new piece of her began to emerge. Her eyes could see better, her fur seemed thicker, tougher, her body shown a new strength, anyone who looked at her couldnt tell the difference, but if they really knew her they could see the dominate wolf in her arise to its call, the wolf who was destined to lead her forgoten pack. She stopped suddenly in the moonlight, fear overcoming her, who was she? Did she even know anymore?

A sound coming from behind her startled the wolfes, she didnt know anyone was fallowing her, she fought to keep her hackles from rising until the Valley wolf appeared and she relaxed immediatly. She half-grinned as she recognized the towering yearling, "Ookami, its good to see you again, I'm terribly sorry about that, I..needed to talk alot off my mind." She offered him a nice apologetic smiled, her blue eyes gleaming with relief, were almost a silver blue like her fur in the moonlight. She kept the tattooed tail tucked just slightly behind her leg, she never liked it when it showed and prefered to keep the story behind it a secret.

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