A simple return

Me too! SoSuWriMo 564

Even if she had come to terms with Amata's absence over the months, it was never something she had been happy about. A bad word had never been said of course, Cambria wasn't that type of person, but having her sister back now, well, she could not really think of anything that would make her happier. Everything about her life seemed to be falling into place after all the uncertainty she had faced. Her personal life had finally come to a wonderful place in her littermate's absence and now Amata was back! If Gotham returned, then everything would be just perfect. The thought of working with her sister in their field excited her. It was also a relief, to know that there was someone else to depend on when it came to medical matters. Two healers were better than one.

Cambria smiled cheerfully at her sister's claim that she had in fact missed things and that she would have thrown them a party if she had been around. "It might be belated, but you always still could, if you wanted to." It wasn't something she particularly wanted, but if her sister wanted to throw a little celebration for her and her mate, then she wouldn't be able to say no. It would be an incredibly kind gesture and even if she and Mati weren't good at being the center of attention, a small gathering wouldn't hurt. It might even be kind of fun. That was only if Amata really felt the urge to put it all together though. Cambi would be happy either way.

It was a little weird to think about all the things her sister had missed out on. She didn't even know Denali, who had already become so integrated into their family that it was hard to imagine it without him now. "He's usually hanging around the manor somewhere. His coat is really thin so he can't handle the cold as well." Cambria was curious as to the reason his fur did not thicken like most wolves, but she doubted the boy would know the answer. "I'm glad too, I always felt a little guilty about all of that. I know it wasn't my fault the barn fell down, but everyone got hurt trying to save me," she said with a slight sad frown. It had been a horribly frightening ordeal and she greatly hoped that nothing like it would ever happen again.

There wasn't time to dwell on the collapse of Old Red though, which was just fine with the Marino. "They are really cute. I helped deliver them! They're already growing up so fast. I can see now why Momma gets so sentimental about us and how we've grown." Pups didn't notice how fast they grew, it seemed to them like time was crawling at a snail's pace. Now that she was older though, she could see how fast it all actually progressed though. The subject of Ehno was really the only thing that was not positive at the moment. He could have been hurt a lot worse, and he had gotten home in time for her to be able to help a lot. Cambi brightened at her sister's offer though. "That'd be great! We'll have to compare what we do and see what things work best." They could work together to find the most effective cures and salves!

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