A sweet retreat

SoSuWriMo 524

If she hadn't become focused on taking care of the gash above the man's eye, she probably would have noticed how his eyes still roved over her form from time to time. It was lucky for him that she was only thinking of how to help him stave off infection and heal otherwise she likely would have started becoming more and more uncomfortable in his presence. Strange men, for the most part, scared the Marino fey. After what had happened to her that one day in the city she did her best to avoid males that she did not know. Cambria was not a strong wolf, and she knew that she could easily be overpowered if anyone ever wanted to try. The best thing she could do was to avoid any situation that might come to that. Her desire to help others with her abilities overrode her caution though.

He complied easily with her gentle requests and as she looked the injury over she noted that there was no pack scent that clung to his fur. It was even better that she had come across him then. If the wound had gone untended and became infected, he would have had no one to help him when he became sick. Now all that should be able to be avoided. Cambria knew that the cleaning of a cut was the most unpleasant part of the healing process and so she was always mindful to be as gentle about it as she could, but of course there was no remedy for the sting. He did well at first but eventually he did flinch away from her contact. The way he looked at her at first made her heart jump in fright, but soon enough his visage softened again. She wasn't sure exactly how to respond to his words, but settled on saying, "A necessary evil, I'm afraid." Even if he had flinched away, she figured she had gotten it cleaned well enough to proceed to the real remedy.

Sitting down on the ground in front of him she rummaged through her pack and took out a pouch of dried plants, a bottle of clean water, a mortar and pestle, and a bowl and stirrer. Taking some of the dried marigold out of the pouch, she placed the plant in the mortar and began to grind it down until it became a more or less uniform, powdery substance. Pouring the powder into the bowl, she then added a bit of water to it and began to stir it into a paste. Cambria added more water until she was satisfied with the thickness of the paste she had created. Next she pulled out a clean bandage and smeared the paste onto it. "I'm going to wrap this around your head. It will reduce the inflammation and stave off infection. It might throb a little, but when the pain goes away you'll know that its done its job and you can remove the bandage." The chocolate fey stood back up and wrapped the prepared poultice around the man's head and tying it tightly so it would stay well in place.

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