'It's a present...' he said miserably, flicking his own pendant. Exactly the same. J'adore was close to giving up and leaving, but he decided to give it a few more rounds. His arm was still stinging, 'You punch well for someone you size' he said, it was meant to be a compliment, but in Valinta's state anything could be taken wrongly. But then again she could miraculously start smiling and laughing again. ’I want this’ he said, his head hung low and the hand of his injured arm reached up to his pendant and joined it up with Valinta’s half. They matched perfectly. ’Turn it over...’. He turned it over for her, glinting in the dim light, engraved it the back of each were 4 letters and an ampersand. ’JA & VL’ J’adore mused. Giving up, he sighed heavily, ’I can go if you like, ‘cause I’m getting the feeling that even though you’re not pulling away from, you want me gone. But I don’t want to go. I want to be with you, with them’.

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