Small Steps
'It's alright, but it causes problems...' he said, kicking up a clump of snow. He'd been lots of places, but few were snowy. He had made a sledge of wood and he had been using it to transport things recently, including a large double bed made of walnut from Halifax. J'adore had a big and strong house, not a hut like the others had. It was a propar wood house, with and upstairs and a balcony and a garden! He was always making edits to it, today he had replaced the temporary door witha nice solid one. His house had differed from the huts way more than he imagined, he did contemplate making it from stone, but then realised that would ruin it's rustic look. It was away from the others, on the outskirts of the village, but not to far away. There was a self built pond out back, with a few live fish caught from the sea, not like the golden fish humans had.

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