The Fire's in Their Eyes
J'adore's ear flicked around uslessly. He had acted very overly happy with Valinta. But now he was alone he felt rubbish again. A sudden scent drifted in the wind, J'adore stood up, looking around he saw nothing, 'Hello'. He placed his bag back down on the stump he was sitting on and walked a few paces forward. He called again, 'Hello, I come in peace?!' It was a daft thing to say, but it made him smile. 'I was just visiting Valinta. And finding out somethings...' the last part was a low mutter, heard only by himself. A sudden flapping was heard in the distance and the Peregrine femme stooped landing like a feather on the large stump, just in front of her wards bag. 'J'adore, I was waiting for you. How did you meeting go?' her voice was loud and almost as if she knew there was someone following him, deliberatly allowing the stranger to home in. 'Shut it, bird brain!' J'adore hissed lowly. The spirit raised her 'eyebrow' and smiled, 'You've got a friend following you, you know...'. J'adore rolled his eyes and scoped the trees, 'I don't know who it is, Hello?' he answered his guide and then called to his stalker.

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