Gardenin' Dirty
'Hi!' J'adore smiled. He'd been watching the woman for a while. The winter had made gardening harder for Luperci, so her patience was creditable. He frowned and moved closer, 'Why don't you dig 'em up and take 'em inside, or burn fires around the keep them from frosting over?' he asked-slash-suggested. He'd tried gardening as a child, but had killed off most of the daises he had collected, from over watering, fiddling with them, leaving them in the Spanish sun too long or maybe a collection of these. The worms wiggled around in the dirt, like fish on the floor before burrowing like rabbits into the soil. 'Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful it happens in that order' he mused. Worm food, J'adore giggled mentally. ’It’s better than being brunt though...’ J’adore mused. Jumping out from his daydream he smiled at the female, ’Want any help?’ He didn’t know much about plants, but he could take instructions as well as he could give them. ’You got a scarecrow?’ he asked, maybe he missed it and there was one, but now he was in a conversation he didn’t look up.

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