Close your eyes, I'll paint them red

ooc talk: Table & Coding © James; Heh okays; 739 words

He smiled and nodded, glad that she seemed to be happy with what she had. That was good. He certainly didn't want to end up disappointing. After all there was no way that he could possibly redo it if it wasn't liked. It was stuck there for life now. There was no way of getting rid of it even if that is what was wanted. But of course he figured that the female knew just what sort of commitment that he was getting into when she had asked for the procedure to be done. She had to have known that it was for life and not something that could just be cast aside on a whim. Though perhaps he should have asked if she was ready for that commitment before he had even started the process. It was too late for that now though. She was happy with it so far. The next part would be easier than the first at least. The formation was already there and just needed to be filled with color now.

He nodded his head and begin the process of setting up in order to color in the brand that he had created. He didn't have a gun as others might have but used the old method of a stick with needles tucked away inside of it. It was just a effective as the gun, if not more so, but it simply took longer to complete projects. Then again this whole ordeal had taken some time. But after this was over the female was free of having to come back. She would have the work entirely completed.

He glanced up at her when she mentioned that she had brought something for her. The surprise showed on his face since he really didn't expect such a gesture. "You really didn't have to do that. I don't expect anything in return for what I do. You asked and I am able to perform so I really don't mind. I would expect that if there was something that you could do that I couldn't that you would offer your services as well." At least that was the way it worked in the cult. They all helped each other out without expecting anything in return. They were family and you didn't charge family for services. At least that was how things were done in the cult. He was learning that the same didn't apply over here. More often than not the others expected something in return for things that one couldn't do themselves.

Even though it was an unexpected treat he took what she had held up for him. He smiled and placed them aside for the moment. "Thank you for the gift. Once I get the pelts cleaned and finished I could return them to you if you wish. That is if you have something that you wish to do with them." He certainly didn't mind doing the work. Actually he quite enjoyed it. He liked having something to do. That should easily be obvious with the layout of the room and all of the other pelts that were in various stages of being worked on.

"It should take about an hour to an hour and a half since I have to do it all by hand." He gave an approximation of how long it should take. He was only doing a single color so it shouldn't take as long as if he ended up having to switch out colors. And with the other being unable to feel it he wouldn't have to worry about stopping and pausing while she got used to pain. He could just work straight through until he was done.

He watched as she sat down and waited until she was settled and comfortable. He moved to sit down behind the other and picked up his stick and dipped the needles of it into the ink. After coating the needles in color he lifted it and began to work. He poked the needles in and out of flesh in a steady rhythm to add the color to the tattoo. "After I am done adding the color that you want your tattoo will be complete. Of course you will still want to make sure to keep it clean but you won't have to do anything special with it." He spoke as he worked. He didn't have any real special care instructions to give this time.


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