We Are One


Itzal knew what he was doing is dangerous. He was spying on a member of another pack, and her pack territory was just a little away. She could easily have backup here in seconds if she saw him as a threat. Which he could very well be, if he felt like it. But he had no reason to attack her, so he just sat and watched for now. He figured he would reveal himself soon. He just wanted to see a litle more. He was interested in this, the prey was actually holding a converstation with the predator. A conversation the predator STARTED!?! He was very much confused by it. But he was open minded, and could see things for the ups and downs, instead of some close minded canines he had meant who did not like somehting if it was not their way. He was actual annoyed with others who were like that. Why was it not right if it wasn't their way? He just sighed softly. No point in trying to understand them. So instead he again turned his attention to the female and the mink she was talking to.

Itzal's ears perked as he heard what she was saying. Itzal could not understand it. He could not help but wonder if this was the launage of her pack. Maybe packs around here spoke in diffrent laungages then each other, though most he had meant understood him and spoke his launage just find. Maybe her pack spoke the launage of prey, It could be possible, seeing as how most packs around here were strange and unique in their own way. Maybe this was her packs thing that made them diffrent. Even Inferni was strange, being a pack of coyotes. He questioned himself as to why he would pick that pack of coyotes, when he had mostly wolf blood. He would have fit in better with the wolves, unlike the coyotes when he barely had enough of their blood for them to accept him as on of them, and even then, they did not really accept him. Maybe that was it, maybe he did not want to get accepted, maybe he thought it was better if they rejected him, so he could not get hurt when something happened. He was really starting to hate that word, the word maybe. Why couldn't he just know for sure. And of course that was the one thing he knew the answer to. The reason is because nothing is ever that easy.

Itzal watched as the brave mink moved closer, and then the female reached out to it... and pet it. Well, that finally showed that she had no intention of hurting it. The mink began to talk then, asking her something it looks like. But a confused expression crossed her face. Did she not understand it? Then how was she talking to it all this time. Itzal shook his head slightly. This was confusing him. He was confused about this whole ordeal, but watched with growing interest. Did she understand the mink or not? Maybe she was still learning the launage that the mink spoke. But that would not make sense if it was the launage of her pack, shouldn't she already know? Maybe it was a diffrent launage all together, but was there a launage out there that allowed you to speak to prey? If the female standing infront of him talking to this mink was anything to go by, Itzal felt it was safe to assume the answer is yes. That was new information to him, something he would store away for later. Itzal wondered if she was worried about the mink being killled. What if someone came along and killed it while hunting. Would the female be saddened, or would she not care? Itzal could not help but try and understand this females feelings and connection with this animal. Itzal thought about hunting the mink, but decided not to. He knew it mattered to the female, and it would just be rude to kill it just because she did not want it killed. But he did not care about being rude, it was mostly out of curiousity he decided not to kill it. He was still confused about her not hunting it or hunting it. It was prey, she was a predator right? It just did not really make sense. It was like she was going against the rules of nature. Itzal did not mind it though, rules were over rated in his mind, and could be bent sometimes, and sometimes was usually most of the time. He figured it was time to make his big appearance, and crouched some what lower.

He moved some, shifting to where he could approach her from the side. He sank into the shadows first. "Don't panic, I will not hurt you or the mink there. Do not call for your pack, I'm not a threat, at least, not at the moment. Just do not drop your guard with me, that is just some friendly advice." He smiled to himself. The only reason he had mentioned not to drop her guard is because he had been fighting more with that other part of him, and was worried that it might start fighting more, and he did not want to risk it, so better safe then sorry. He stepped out of the shadows slowly, standing at the edge of them, and giving the female space, he was just far enough out that she would be able to see him, maybe not easily, since his black coat might blend with the darkness behind him, but she would still be able to see him. He appeared relaxed, but was really tense and on guard, always ready to react. "Hi there, hope I did not startle you." He said, without emotion. He almost never talked with emotion. Emotion was something that he kept to himself, and only showed to others at his weakest points, or when he wanted to trick them. He showed it at others time, when he felt like it, but those were the two when he used them the most. So he figured this female did not need to know any emotion he felt. Better for her if she just thought he was void of it, because in some ways he was. It made him dangerous, something he was good at being. He smiled to himself at the though.

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