The Good That Won't Come Out
SSWM: 707

The conversation between the three seemed to come easier now and Nayru smiled at her two gentlemen. Still intently but furtively she watched the men's faces, their exchanges both verbal and nonverbal. The cow patterned woman could sense that something unspoken still lingered between them, though of what nature the girl couldn't guess. And then it seemed to pass and Nayru let it be, for if they did not make it so it was truly none of her concern. Instead she diverted her full attention to their words again, attending to each thought individually and turning their meanings over in her mind. Saluce spoke more than Gideon now, and it seemed that if one male was open and expressive the other took his turn being passive and listening. Yet she did not mind, so long as silence didn't plague them.

"Yes, much can happen in one year. I wonder then, would it be a blessing or a curse to know what's to come in the year ahead for all of us?" As always her voice was light and teasing, barely audible above the crackling fire or the breathing of her two companions. Yet her crimson eyes scanned each of their faces to see how seriously they took her inquiry. Could one's future be known? It was impossible, surely, but so much had happened in the first year of her life Nayru couldn't help but imagine all the good and bad that would rain down upon her and the others in the year to come. Dahlia de Mai seemed stable enough, their core members persisted, at least in Nayru's opinion. Yet some came and went and would any of them be among those that went? The idea was heartbreaking to her, to imagine and of them, or Conor and Bris, among those that did not make it through the next year and Nayru resolved not to worry over it. Breaking her own thought with an amused and girlish giggle she dismissed the idea. "But we can't know, so let's not bother wondering."

Saluce spoke of Saul and Nayru wondered if Gideon's brother had heard her call. She would have liked his company among them, but only she smiled at Saluce and said "Does Saul know how to use a bow and arrow? Or do you? I would like to learn, and I feel I am apt enough with my dagger to permit some new time training with another weapon." Yes, a bow and arrow would certainly be beneficial, but she hadn't much time to think over it as Saluce continued to speak of Inferni and his own demons. Whatever they had been, the demons that had chased the warrior out from Dahlia de Mai, Nayru preferred to skip over them and answer Gideon's question then. "Ah, Anathema is further out, they've laid claim to a portion of the mountains just south of Inferni. The other pack though has sprung up right alongside of us, just west. Very close." A sweet smile was offered to Gideon, who was always friendly and kind, and a more knowing look to Saluce, who warrior that he was, would have understood Nayru's need to investigate so close a neighbor.

The tone Saluce took, friendly and adult, did not surprise Nayru, although the man had never spoke so informally towards her before. Exactly how to respond to his casual comment, as truthful as it may have been, Nayru did not know and Gideon seemed to choose not to respond to it at all. Chasing woman? The terminology was foreign to the girl, though the implication was easily enough derived. Saluce of course did not mean it in such a literal sense, but perhaps he meant only he was doing what he did with Layla, or rather the precursor to what he did with Layla. It was perhaps how he had gotten Layla. Chasing woman. Nayru only raised her eyes, wondering why that was something to share, for she had no interesting in chasing anyone. Yet his words brought someone else forth to her mind and almost with a sigh but not quite she spoke, soft and more thoughtful then if it was possible. "I would what my sisters are doing for their first birthday."


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