there i was with my back to the wall
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Sorry for the wait... I'm in Virginia for my dad's funeral, and I haven't been able to write much till now.

His head was bent in his despair, and his dark brown bangs fluttered down in front of both eyes, tickling his snout so that he wrinkled it in surprise. He opened his eyes slowly, brushing his soft hair into place, where it hung like a curtain over the right half of his face. He didn't know what it was he wanted to do... Sitting here had at first seemed like a good idea. Sometimes he found that if he just put himself somewhere, a place that didn't require any caution or other kinds of distracting emotions, he could simply think. And if he talked to himself in his mind enough, he could bring himself to some sort of conclusion.

Today, he was trying in vain to use this method of thought to calm himself. However, he quickly learned that it just wouldn't work as he'd wanted it to. Every time he tried to think of something positive, his head clouded over with loneliness and longing. He couldn't spend another moment alone - so he couldn't expect to find any relief by... meditation.

A blur entered his line of vision, a flash of white moving ahead through the forest. Kansas felt there was something familiar about the stride of the wolf, but he didn't allow himself to hope. He stood, dusting dirt from his coat with black-clawed hands, and made his way toward the female, uncertain. He did not want to just chase her down, fearing this would seem weird, desperate... but wasn't that what Kansas was? He didn't care. He had to see if it was her. His long limbs brought him behind her, and though he couldn't see her face, he was almost certain that this was her. He brushed his hand against her shoulder, gently, not wanting to startle her as they continued to walk. "Are you...?" he began, stupidly.

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