Only Days Ago
Out of Character

ooc text. So is mine D: sorreh

In Character

That sad smile broke Tala's heart. She could only imagine what it was like to know that you were missing someone but had no idea where they were, if they were okay, even if they were still alive. Tala had known when her parents had died, it had been no mystery. That probably hurt more than the loss. Not knowing. "I'd be more than willing to come along and help you look. I was out here to wander the area anyway, I might as well make another use of it. Let's go then, waste no more time." Tala looked to her and nodded her head in the direction to her right. They would go that way first, seeing as it had been the direction she was going when she had stopped her.

Tala began to walk, her pace was a heightened walk for now, they could go faster if Amata requested. Tala did not know what scent to look for, only a name and a brief description. The woman would just have to ask of she picked up anything that might be the young boy on the ground or wind. Surely, Amata would smell it when she did and know either way. "The more eyes the better." Tala's heart went out to the girl, it really did. Even if Denali did not come home, a sign that he was alright would set her mind at ease.

Tala moved with swift feet, or the best she could as her hind left leg was still wrapped from her tumble the other day with Gideon. Bending the limb was hard and painful, but she could at least walk on it at a decent pace. Running was not impossible, it just made her look silly. Swinging the limb rather than using it. Her balance wasn;t the greatest, seeing as her tail was of no use.

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