To stand upon a riverbank

SoSuWriMo 471

Her mother had been such a wonderful person. Despite the pain that she must have gone through, be cast aside by the man she loved and had given herself to, she had raised the sable fey and her siblings without the slightest hint of regret or sorrow. She had always told them that they were the lights of her life and Savina knew that she had meant that statement with all her heart. It was only when they had pressed her for information about their father that the tragic story had come out, and even then the woman hadn't cried, staying strong for her three children. Ever since that day, Savina had been in complete awe of her mother and it had only grown the longer she lived. In such a situation, she did not know if she could have shown the same strength. Her daughter's namesake had been an amazing individual, through and through.

The Consul nodded solemnly at her daughter's comment. It was horrible, the way Amata Marino had been treated. No female ever deserved to receive such scorn when all she had shown was love. Savina would never be able to understand how some males could be so heartless and uncaring. If only Amata had not had to find out this unfortunate fact firsthand. Perhaps she should have shared this story with her sooner, so she would have known to be wary, but it had never occurred to her to do so until now. She was a step too late. Hopefully the hopeful words would stay with her daughter though. Savina knew that looking for someone now was probably as low on the pale girl's list of priorities as could be, but she wanted Amata to know that there were good men out there. Her daughter would eventually find someone to share her life with as she had found Kansas, she knew this for certain. "You're a wonderful girl Amata, and you deserve someone who will treat you right. Don't ever forget that."

The shift in subject seemed abrupt, but perhaps that was what Amata needed. The Marino woman could understand the need to leave painful subjects behind instead of dwelling on them. Savina's head shifted to look at the bandaged leg, her shoulders shrugged. "I'm still sore, but it's nothing too bad. Cambria gave me something for a couple days, but I can handle it on my own now. She stitched it a little, more so the scarring wouldn't be as bad though, I think." The one gash to her leg didn't seem so bad in comparison to how she had come out of other incidents. Even the sprained leg she had had upon coming to these lands had been worse than this. Besides, she couldn't possibly complain in light of the injuries that Jazper had sustained.

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