OOC- So sorry I'm late! D:

Valinta smiled as she looked at the necklace. It matched J'adore's exactly, and the JA&VL on the back told her what she needed to know. She looked at him with a mock angry face. "For my size? Is that a crack at me being short?" she said as she gently punched his good arm.
Valinta leaned into J'adore and thought about the idea of a family. She hadn't really had family. She had her father, but he would always end their time together to go work on politics or to visit the concubines he had gathered after her mother died. Valinta had sworn, when she was old enough to understand what he was doing when he left her, that she would never do such a thing to her children. The Spy mistress of the pack, her teacher and mother figure, had told her what they did. She had felt that Valinta was old enough to know why her father left her every day.
And Valinta had been heartbroken.
So the vow came about. She'd made it official with blood.
When J'adore pulled away, Valinta threw her arms around him and growled. "You are not leaving." she said angrily.

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