Trying to confort you

OOC: I see. Take your time, i understand!

A voice came from one of the upper windows. It was Orin! Sankara almost barked of joy. Orin's chirpy voice rose her mood considerably. Sankara waited patiently as Orin told her that she would go downstairs soon. She felt relieved. Orin was ok, she must have been taking a nap on her store or something. That feeling must have been paranoia, or the concern for her first friend.

"Orin!" Sankara squealed at the sight of said woman. She said something that Sankara didn't understand, but she supposed that it was some kind of greeting. As Orin moved aside to let her in, she noticed something different. On the first place, the smell of skunk was gone, but the furniture was placed in a different way, as if somebody randomnly moved it of place. Then she turned towards Orin "I'm so happy to see you again! Sorry that i was gone for so long,'s taking me time to get used to company." She chuckled while she walked past the pink-haired woman. The company had always been something that Sankara enjoyed. But wandering for entire days alone was one of those old habits that she couldn't just shrug off out of the blue. Besides, the forest in Cercatori d' Arte was beautyful and very similar to her old home; not that she could remember it completely, but still, it gave her a vague sensation of familiarity.

But something else was different. Orin was different. Sankara could smell it..."Orin there's something diff...wait what's that?!" During a second Sankara saw a light marking on one of her shoulders as she walked by. It looked like a scratch, but as long as Sankara was able to see it, she noticed that it was long. It didn't look like it could have been made by accident. Somebody hurted Orin. But her question was, who could have dared to hurt a pack member? and not only a pack member...Orin didn't seemed as the kind of person that fights for no reason. The feeling came back, and she was sure that Orin could see it. Her eyes were as big as plates by now, and only a blind person would be able to ignore them.

"Orin, what happened?!...your's...what happened!!?" Come on girl! do something!Sankara was freaking out. Of course, if somebody was injured (even if it was a small scratch) her protective side would appear. If she would have been on her optime form, she would have already hugged Orin, but by now all that she did was place a shaky paw on top of her hand. She tried to calm her voice to talk "Orin, what happened?". She waited for the woman to say something, trying to calm herself from her sudden outburst.


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