"[M] We'll be halfway to anywhere" -Evanescence

986, and they finally said it Smile

Itzal smiled at her, the smile that only she could bring to his lips. It was one of content, of a peace finally settling into him. He was terrified of losing her, of having her taken away, but he finally realized something. Everything that had been taken from him, he had no truly fought to protect, he never truly would have died to keep it. With her it was diffrent, he knew he could lose her, but he also knew he would die before he let that happen, unless it was her choice. But that did not feel like a problem, from the way she was holding him, and the way she spoke to him about himself. Itzal would give her everything. He had already begun. She had his trust, something he rarely gave to anyone, she had his virginty, something he had willingly given to her, something that he could never give to anyone else now. She already had such a tight grip on his heart, it was basically hers now. Itzal could just feel that last strand of resitance, and it was slowly snapping. He felt like he wanted to yell at his heart to just give up, cause this is what he truly wanted. He was never one to play by the rules. He usually did what he wanted, cause he had realized a long time ago that this was his life, it belong to him, and he did what he wanted and survived through the consquences. But now he wanted to share his life, he would change it, shift it, to make the perfect place for hers to fuse with his. He wanted them to be together, to share their lives with each other. He could not help but want it, want her. She was a part of his life now in his head, a part he did not want to go without.

Itzal's smirkish smile appeared, only this one more tender with her, but also more playful. "Oh did you now? And what makes you think I did not do some tempting of my own? I was being very polite after all." His tone was playful and happy, and as she pressed her hips against him and leaned her chest away, then she slowly moved her claws up his chest. Two can play at this game. Itzal thought to himself as he leaned down and licked her throat, his tongue starting right above her bare chest and slowly traveling up her throat. When he reached the top of her throat he planted a sweet, quick kiss on her chin. The he winked back at her. The he looked at her and pressed his paw to her face, lovingly he looked at her. "Pontiac, are you ok? You can tell me anything, I'll always listen, and I promise I'll never be angry with you." He wanted her to trust him, and to be happy with him, so why did she seem bothered?

She surprised him by kissing him. It was in the middle of him still talking about her cooking some. Itzal kissed her sweetly back, then a smile came across his lips. That was defintly an effective way to shut him up. He leaned down and kissed her on the nose. "Yes you did warn me, and I'm glad I ignored your warning. I like when you kiss me." He said it softly, like he was confessing something he had done wrong, but he looked into her deep eyes, and he smiled softly to. He laughed at her next question. "You did not get lucky, you got what you deserved, someone to be with you and hold you. And no, you are really one of the first, at least, one of the first I have felt anything for." He stroked her face with on claw, softly and slowly. And he shived some when she rub against his shoulder. He could feel that spot, sensitive from the warmth her touch brought to him

He did as she asked and listened to her. He listened to her about the fued between their packs, the possiblity of war, and about the death on both sides. "I do not want that. But I do want to be with you, even if it is in secret, I'll do anything to keep seeing you." He nodded in understnading to. Then let a big smile come across his face when she said he meant much to her. "And you mean just as much to me." He was happy when she wrapped her arms around his neck, like she was grabbing onto him, telling him that he was hers. When they broke this kiss, he was happy when she looked into his eyes. Her eyes were beautiful, and they sucked him in, telling him to trust her, and that she would be there for him. He believed them, just like he believed everything she said. Then she looked down and he barely caught the words she mumbled next. He was shocked a little. But then he smiled and using one paw, he gently pushed up her chin so she was looking into his eyes. "Listen to me Pontiac, and believe every word I say. I love you too, and I will never be ashamed to say it, you mean more to me then I ever could have imagined someone meaning to me. You have my heart, and my love. You have me, everything that I could possibly own or feel, all of it is yours. I never want to go on in life if I do not know you are there for me to love." He said it slowly, and tenderly, trying to get her to soak up what he was saying. Then he nuzzled her throat and kissed it. "I Love You. He said each word with strength and conviction. He truly did. He truly did love her.

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