Secret Wonderland

NO worries I have my revenge plotted out Wink

Noah Sawtooth could not help but to laugh, this was all so new to him, the pain for and from shifting, the pain of the bones cracking and mending the silver male was finding all of these pains so new to him. It hurt and he would not lie about it, but frankly the fact that he got that far he was happy with. The male looked down at his gimp leg and then back up to her, as he licked his lips. ”Chop off.” He teased as he looked back down to the leg, as he laid his head down, his head was willing him, the pain of growing to be about twice the size your body normal is just was not something that should be done for the light hearted. The male looked back up to the female returning her smile as he was able to see that she was not disappointed with in him, but she was not completely blown away either. That was not the reaction that he was hoping for, he wanted her to be in shock and aw over the fact that he had gotten it down so quickly. Noah was not going to let that discourage him however; he knew he could not let that happen.

The male gave a beat of his silver tail upon the ground as she nuzzle him and then went to his lame front paw licking it, he could only guess it was to help re-warm the muscle in the leg, the male nuzzled her softly his way of trying to thank her for everything that she was trying to do for him, the male looked up at her with a lost look and then back down to his gimp leg, he was not sure if he could go though the whole idea of shifting back down and then coming back into this body. With a gulp Noah was only able to sputter out a small word, one word at that. ”Again?” He echoed her words as he looked around him, she had to be joking starting at the being again and the coming to his secui forum. Noah would not fight with her after she was the teacher and it was her time that she was taking in teaching him, but the idea of re-trying all of this was not appealing to him what so ever.


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