
Word Count: 321
This is the equivalent of Key being in a nice, happy mood. Enjoy ~

His brows drew together with irritation; the coyote was taking him for a fool. That much he was sure off! His lip drew back to reveal his teeth as he let out a short warning growl at the female, he was not in the mood to listen to her rubbish; he wanted answers and he wanted them now. And the answers he was getting weren’t to his satisfaction. Magician my arse, like hell she’s a magician he internally complained. Then a thought crossed his mind and he burst into laughter; clutching his stomach as he bent over gasping for breath. Once the laughing fit passed he wiped a tear from his eye and looked at the female again. The urge to laugh again stuck him; but he resisted this time.

Then, as the ‘Magician’ walked around him she asked yet another question. What a rude little coyote he had stumbled upon. And what was worse is that she asked information about him; and since she was already playing the name game he decided to join in to. “I have many names, but you foolish little coy, may call me ‘King’”.

Following the female’s lead he began to pace a small circle around the female. “You, little brave Coy who claims to be a Magician. Do you have a death wish? Or can you perform a trick?” he questioned her. A wide, toothy grin slowly spreading across his face; his eyes alight with amusement. “As the last time I checked, Magicians performed with tricks. Not very trustworthy if you ask me; all they can do is perform and fool people. So you may want to invest in a name that makes you sound a bit trustworthy” he informed her, finishing it off with a wink. “And wandering is a lousy excuse for approaching our borders, then again. If you perform a trick I may let you off the hook. How’s ‘bout that?”.

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