".. doth from my senses take all feeling."
He'd shuttered under the other males deep, demanding voice. His future? The though crept and pilled into his young mind, and vivid images of himself as a strong and powerful wolf tromped in it's path. Tempest had always been a dreamer. An aspirer. Such thoughts would tumble around his brain during his time alone. He'd seemed to have a lot of that in the past few weeks. What the young wolf enjoyed most was tracking. A nose like his at almost 6 months old was something he was proud of. Heck, maybe he even led the band of drifters he'd followed right to their dinner once or twice. And it did bring him here, after all.

"I want to be a tracker." He piped. "When I'm big and strong like you.." The little wolf peered up at the mighty canine before him. Saluce was a prime example of what he wanted to be. "I might be no use now, but.. I need a teacher!" This new idea had never occurred to him before, and perhaps a teacher was just what he had needed. To mold and sculpt him into what he wanted to be. Sharpen his talents and train his abilities further. "I'm built for winter, too! My fur is thick and I can blend into the snow." He'd went cross eyed, looking at the dark stripe of gray running up his maw from nose to center-forehead. "Well.. mostly."

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