Hi-Jack a Rainbow.
OOC: Sorry for the slow reply. Been sick since Sunday x.o WCC: 507

" Its about time." Kami spoke outloud to noone but himself. His head was pointed towards the sky with his left eye clamped shut in an effort to keep out the light. Seemingly studying something for only a moment before inhaling deeply and continuing on his walk. The days were definitely getting longer now and he was glad for it. Kami was not a big fan of winter by any stretch of the imagination. Besides the obvious wet and cold that came with snow, everything else was made just so much more difficult. Though he was sure if had been born with white fur instead of his own black then maybe he would have a different opinion of the season.

Kami had begun to slowly travel further and further away from the borders. Coming in closer towards the heart of the territory as he was starting to meet his fellow pack mates and feeling a bit more comfortable. He no longer walked as though he was expecting some hidden attacker to leap at him from behind every tree. No, he was beginning to feel much more confident that he was in a place he could feel more or less safe. " Hmmm?" he mumbled, his right ear standing at attention as he looked around the frozen landscape. He had just stepped out into a small clearing when the sounds reached his ears. The distinct sound of four paws quickly falling against the frozen ground was not very far off, and only getting closer with each passing second.

Despite Kami's new found sense of confidence, he instinctively took a defensive stance. Lowering his head and folding back his ears as his yellow eyes peered from beneath black fur. Searching for any sign of what might be the creator of the sound that so quickly was closing the distance between them. The thick brush surrounding him only allowing a glimpse of what appeared to be golden fur darting in and out of the trees. What Kami's eye could not see, a sudden shift in the wind brought him all the answers he needed. The scent was a familiar one and something he had not been exposed to but once before on his first night in these lands. Kami's posture had just begun to relax when a small white blur had burst through the thicket directly in front of him. He only had a moment to catch a glimpse of the creature. The rabbit was clearly running for its life as it swerved past the black wolf without even reaction.

" Ookami?" he said as the much larger golden furred wolf broke through the brush in an all out sprint. Ookami's head was low to the ground, all of his sense tuned to searching out his prey. Kami took a single step back as he could tell that his packmate was focused on the hunt and may not even slow down even with another wolf directly in his path. " Ookami?!" he spoke again, this time with a bit more urgency.

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