
He was excited, apparently, a fact discerned by the swaying tail behind the boy's smaller body. It didn't seem to stay for long as Kambujiya questioned him. Was he lost? No, not lost. He watched the boy's tail tuck between his legs, a sign he was uneasy. It prompted curiosity from the growing Prince, a curiosity that bubbled over into him actually moving. Up he sat from his position on the ground, up to his feet from that point, and closer to the edge of the territory where the stranger stood.

"I from Dahlia. This is a new pack lands?"

Kambujiya snorted. "Not new. Been here longer 'n me." His brown eyes squinted as he stared, curious about the weird little boy who had appeared from seemingly nowhere. Was he stupid? Did he really not know about the pack? Well, he did use a strange name. Dahlia. What was Dahlia? The older male's ear twitched, a faint grimace passing his face. He didn't know something, and it bothered him.

Silently, he tried to push his frustration out of his mind. It wasn't fair to take it out on the visitor, especially a curious one. He wanted to meet other packs, and there was nothing wrong with that. The Prince's brown eyes watched as the younger male pawed the ground, uneasy.

"Well, what 're ya lookin' to learn 'bout 'em? Guess I can tell you 'bout us. King Vigi ain' 'round, though."


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