The Good That Won't Come Out
SSWM: 395

Nayru was a little disappointed to learn Saluce did not know how to use a bow and arrow, and neither then did Saul. Although they could learn on their own Nayru did not comment on Saluce's words, only nodded her head with that slight smile of her's while she wondered where she could find a skilled teacher. Someone to show her the proper form and how to hold the bow and all the things that should could learn by trial and error but that would be easier to practice and shape if someone showed her first. Yet, the weight of the dagger strapped to one ankle was a constant reminder of this, she didn't really need to know how to use a bow and arrow. There was reason enough not to cross her.

For as silent as she had been when Saluce spoke of Saul and bows, Nayru said nothing to Gideon when he commented on her sisters. Were they celebrating? Did they even remember what the day was? Were her parents with them, all together as a family should be? Were they wondering about her? What she was doing and who she was with and what she was thinking about? Did she exist to them at all anymore? Did it matter? Deciding that it didn't matter, for even if she could know there was nothing she could do with that knowledge, she only turned her smile upon Gideon and remained quiet.

The talked turned back to the packs, and specifically their nearest neighbor. Despite her words Saluce was full of doubt and worry over the pack being so close, but Gideon, bless his heart, was optimistic as ever. Yet neither male had gone to meet the pack, and least of all the leader who led the pack. If anything Shawchert was more open and friendly than Naniko had been. The white woman had been kind enough, but reserved and a little gruff and if she meant all the words she said the black and white girl wasn't one hundred percent sure. Nayru usually could read others better than they often knew themselves, she had seen Shawchert with those knowing eyes even if she could not see Naniko so clearly, and she felt they had nothing to worry with the new pack to the west. "They won't cause trouble." And that was all she said.


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