Off the beaten path
SSWM: 451

Siku confirmed that she knew how to read books, and Nayru quickly went to where she had set down The Encyclopedia of Flora. Picking up the heavy book she moved through the rows of plants and came up beside Siku, who was wondering now if she were to do any research how she would document it. Flipping open the book she held out the book to Siku, smiling at the useful but little read book. A few pages were bookmarked with scraps of paper Nayru had found and a few were bent at the corners, when Nayru had run out of paper to stick in between the pages. " I already marked the plants that I have and I found in the book." She knew their names. Hemlock. Narcissus. Morning Glory. So many more. Some had flowers and in the book they did not, and some that in the book were full of vibrant colors were only green in her glass house, but Nayru was sure she had identified many of the plants correctly.

" You can borrow that if you want." Nayru paused, and smiled, deciding that the book wouldn’t be much help without the plants to also look at. " and come back to look at my plants, if you'd like." And yet, Siku had only expressed slight interest in the plants and the book and Nayru suddenly felt as if she were pushing it upon the woman. " Of course, don't feel obligated. Really. The plants will be here regardless and maybe one day Dahlia will have a true herbalist and they can come and use my plants." Her soft, unimposing voice rang out as she looked around the plants again, knowing she would never put them to use but still wishing for something more to be done with them.

And then the woman realized just how much they had only been speaking of her, and her plants. Nayru had no idea who the woman was before here except for her name and that she liked plants. Siku liked plants. She could make tea with special roots she found where she had come from. There was more to her, there was always more than a name. Normally Nayru was the one to ask the questions but Siku had played that role so far, appearing from outside full of curiosity of what lay within. Naturally Nayru wanted to know more of Siku, who was a Dahlian now and Nayru collected the lives of the Dahlians as one might collect trading cards, though few of them realized this. " Siku, do you live in Wolfville with the others? What have you been doing with your time since coming to Dahlia?"


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