Half a life

ooc talk: Table & Coding © James; 793 words

He would have done the exact same thing if it were him. He was respectful of boundaries as well. Though that should be apparent by now since he was remaining hands off unless she allowed for her. He got her permission before he ever touched her. Just as he allowed her to decide if she wanted the ride or not. He was only looking to relieve the ache in her legs, if only temporary. After all he lived further into the territory and he didn't want to force her to walk the whole way if her legs were hurting her.

"I wouldn't say something that I didn't mean." That was just the way that he was. He spoke the truth. He kept his word when he gave it. If he didn't have his honor and loyalty they what did he have? What other things could he show to prove that he was able to be trusted? He certainly had no idea. And such is why he refused to tarnish his reputation. Of course he was having to start over in a way since the cult was no longer around to vouch for him any longer. But he seemed to make fairly decent progress so far. He had others in other packs that he knew could and would speak on his behalf, at least he hoped so.

He chuckled and nodded his head to her words. "I think Mr. Tree deserves and extended time out. I think we should leave him alone for the rest of the day. He will just have to sit here all by himself and think about what he did. Maybe tomorrow Mr. Tree will finally decide to obey." That was suggestion at least. He could keep up the silly game, could give a reason as to why they were leaving. And well, if he had to show Addison back to the borders sometime later then he would just have to make sure that they didn't go anywhere near Mr. Tree since he would still be in time out.

With being used to pick up the dead weight of carcasses to hang up and work on skinning the other really didn't have to worry about him not being able to pick her up and carry her. He was large and while muscles weren't bulging they were defined in the least. no, he supported her weight easily enough. Then again it wasn't like he wasn't already used to other bodies pressed against his own. He was used to supporting weight in one fashion or another. When they were younger he had carried Demi around from time to time. So really, this was nothing for him.

He took the most direct route to his hidden home, getting there as quickly as he could while having made sure that Addison was comfortable for the entire trip. And when they got there he made sure to kneel down again so that she could ease her way off. He was trying to remain as respectful towards her as was possible. He was trying his best to not upset her again. He wasn't exactly used to someone not feeling comfortable with him right off. But then again he had lived in an environment where free touch was allowed and welcomed. He had grown up around those other canines, some had watched over him as he had aged. Still they knew just how he was. That he might be a bit forward with his flirting at times but he was respectful should interest not be expressed. This female just didn't have the privilege of growing up with him to know about that. Though he was working hard to prove it now. He would do nothing without her consent and permission.

He slipped in after Addison had made it inside, letting the foliage close over the entrance and once again hide it from view. While the enclosure was underground it was deep enough and wide enough that Ouija could stand and move freely in it without having to worry about scarping his ears against the ceiling or anything. "Thank you. I've tried to make it as much like home as possible." He smiled and moved to the back where the water was. "If you don't mind, would you come back here for a moment. I just want to wash your hand before wrapping it up." Just like when he was working on some project or another he was worried about getting business taken of first before doing or focusing on anything else. He wanted to make sure that she was taken care of first. "With the way that it is set up the warm air is trapped inside. I am careful about keeping the candles from going out."


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