Half a life

ooc talk: Table & Coding © James; 580 words

Yes, they most certainly had grown up under different circumstances. Ouija had been taught the way of hedonism. Had been taught to seek out pleasure in whatever way it came. Because of that he would never seek to harm or hurt another unless it was asked for, unless it was said to give the other pleasure. He could easily conform to whatever ideal his partner had, whatever would end up being their perfect partner. The colorful male was good at receiving instructions and adhering to him. It was simply what he had grown up with throughout his life. It didn't matter if he was still young yet since his training had started at a young age.

When she came over and offered him her hand back he took it gently in one of his own hands. The other hand was used to scoop up water to pour over the female's hand. He did this numerous times, trying to make sure that he was clean. Once the hand was clean he once again checked for splinters. He finally smiled again when he didn't see any. He felt pretty good about getting them all out. At least he hoped that he had. "Wait here." He spoke the words as he got up to move away to go and find the sheet he had brought from the lodge on one of his previous visits. He had used a small portion of it to clean his walls whenever he would make a mistake. He tore a strip from the clean end of it, the end without chalk dust on it, and brought it back over to Addison. He settled back down and wrapped the cloth around her hand, having sought to try and bandage it up as best as possible. "You will probably want to get a healer to check it out and make sure that it is okay. I can't say that I know any in this pack but maybe you know one in your own?" He finished tying off the cloth and looked up at her with his question. He had done the best as he could for now and that was really all that he could do.

He sat back now that he was all done. He wasn't exactly sure what to do from this point on. "I would give you the tour but there really isn't much to see." He motioned around his den. Everything could be seen in one quick look around. "So I guess just make yourself at home until your legs feel better." He sounded uncertain as he spoke and the shrug of his shoulders only added to it. He wasn't used to just sitting around and not doing anything. It probably wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't worried about accidentally making the wrong move or something. If he didn't feel like he was walking on eggshells around her.

Unable to just sit still he went to fetch a glass that already contained a bit of wax in it as well as a string hanging out of it. He went around to all of the burning candles and slowly poured the liquid wax from the candle into the glass to collect it and allow it to harden into a new candle, it being his way of not wasting anything. Plus, it gave him something to focus on and do for the time being since he couldn't stand just sitting idly by with nothing to do.


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