[J] Of Fang and Feather (LEADER NEEDED)
OOC: yeah this post is meh, I kind of rushed it. Oh and Sorry for not adding you much Kami, I ran out of ideas on how to D=.

A new pair of echoing knocks shot through Falgar’s head. He slightly tilted his head to allow his sight to rest on the black bird. She did a small noise and pointed her head towards the bushes that were rustling nearby. As soon as the other wolf appeared he refocused his attention on the wolf that seemed to be named Ookami, not before giving a short bow accompanied with a smile towards the newcomer, not really presenting himself as the Ookami had already done it for him.

“Well I really don’t know what I can offer. I am good at observing and I can run fast so that may make me good and scouting” he stopped a moment and in a lower voice added “When my injured eye doesn’t decides to fail me” he then snorted in a rather bad try to hide his whisper “I can also paint, make jewelry, I am trained in fighting, speak two languages….” At this point he noticed he was starting to ramble, which he hated. After a short silence he moved uncomfortably in his place and coughed “I am sorry I tend to ramble a lot”

Taking a few minutes to regain his mind he continued talking “I also have Kea over here, when she is not being annoying she can be actually be helpful” at this the raven cried loudly and struck his head again, this time not even worrying about how hard her beak went down.

Falgar whined closed his eyes and whined softly “OW! What? I am only telling the truth” the bird angrily struck again before taking flight, landing on a nearby and quietly mumbling on her angry little thoughts.

Falgar bowed once again as he laughed “Nice to meet you too sir” he continued with his laughing as his ears twitched for what seemed to be no reason when it was actually a silent message only the now fuming bird could understand.

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