A grand adventure is about to begin.
Out of Character

+3 OOC: :OOOOO Big Grin

In Character

He hadn’t noticed she’d slept until he looked over at her when he asked her what he could do. She was up now but he could see a little grogginess in her eyes. He smiled at her, chuckling. Yes that would be fine with him, but he was sure that she was joking… well in any case she could enjoy his bed for now.

She then started speaking, telling him everything that was on her mind, and he listened. At the end of it all he could hear the fear in her voice. He was afraid too. They’d already lost pups here, and he would be damned if he would lose more, and not just because they were his. He sat on his knees and rubbed Orin’s back comforting the poor woman. He would have given her a close hug, but he knew he had to keep himself in check, he could see she was in no way attracted to him now but he was here as her friend, and if she needed his comfort she would take it, he was here for her now. His heart ached… he had puppies on the way… and they were at risk right now.

Then you are under my care. I will make sure that you eat, so once my broth is done… you’ll have something in your belly and that will be a start. We’ll make it all work out, I won’t let anymore puppies die.

He remembered the sight when sky delivered the too small pups… how useless they had been to the outside world. It hurt, even though they were not his pups, he had known he would be a part of their lives if they were born at the right time. He knew he’d have cared for them, his or not… but they had been born too early, and now there was another risk… what if Sky could help? Would she be resentful, or would she not want Orin to lose them, he didn’t know, but he would have to find out soon enough. He comforted her as well as he could until he figured the food was done. He found one of his little bowls he’d found in the town. It had been plastic, though it was old, it was sturdy. He pour the broth with meaty chunks in the bowl and grabbed a spoon. Kneeling by the bed he presented it to her.

I will do all I can to make you feel better ok? Even if I have to make Sky help you.

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Table by Shannon B


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